The characterization of the 21st century as a century with ground breaking scientific research and inventions especially in military technology; Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), Sophisticated machine guns, Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (Drone technology), Sophisticated submarines capable of causing a tsunami, Ultramodern warships and vessels, Colonization of mars and space exploration, Long range missile launchers, artificial intelligence, machine learning, medicine, genetic engineering, neuroscience, biomedical engineering, Laser technology in surgery and many others by the super powers and emerging economies were thought to have given their citizens some form of infinite security and future until coronavirus the solo gunslinger surfaced bare chested.

I have been wondering why countries like the United States of America, France, Russia, China, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Israel and many others would be investing billions of dollars in their military yearly to develop sophisticated weapons of mass destruction against mankind instead of building social amenities and feeding mankind. Today, the military is advised to stay in their camps, their fastest jet fighters are grounded, their super turbo armour tankers are packed, the ICBMs are in their vaults, their deep ocean's submarines and warships are berthed ashore at their bases. Where lies your power?
The west thought their enemy was the east and so the east. The capitalist thought the problem was the socialist. The Christian thought the Muslim was their problem and so the Christian, the Buddhist and the Hindus. The world did not know they have a common enemy called death. Some thought they were immuned to death with jet fighters in the air, warships in the seas and armour carriages on land. Today, it is not Iran attacking US with their missiles, it is not Israel bombing Gaza, it it Libya's Gaddafi who wants to be president for live and needs operation Benghazi and NATO bombings. It is not Iraqis and the Taliban. It is an inanimate tiny shiny virus wearing a golden rose crown of a the kingdoms on earth and none have been able to defeat it yet for closed to four months now.
In prospective, would the USA, France, UK et all still pay their 2020 NATO's commitment? Well, that's not my business. Would the USA still budget $639 billion in military spending? Would Russia still spend a whooping sum of $98 billion on military while their minimum wage is $190 per month? Satan is really the ruler of this world. Why will man be so focused in creating what will destroy him at a least mistake? Our attentions have been drifted to think that, strong military power is tantamount safety and security. Ask Italy with 62 million population with one of the strongest military power and ranked 12th globally with 0.2111 rating (perfect) is suffering COVID-19 pandemic and dying like a "flu infested poultry" with their military looking on helplessly.
The United States of America has the most powerful and dangerous military anywhere on earth yet cannot not battle COVID-19. Their sophisticated drones cannot air strike coronavirus. Their B-41 hydrogen bomb is lying in the vault, it cannot certainly be used against the COVID-19, their AH-64 apache, M-1 Abrams, M-109A6 Paladin, Tube-lauched, Optically tracked, wire-guided) (TOW) Anti-Tank Missile, M-2.50- Caliber Machine Gun An many of them which are usually deployed even when one American citizen is killed are all sitting somewhere while 10s of thousands of Americans are battling COVID-19 and closed to 1000 people died with the federal government struggling to even provide front line health care givers with personal protective equipment and medical supplies to its citizens.
Donald Trump economic data that he has been boasting of them hitting all times highs with US stocks becoming the darling boys in the stock exchange market globally have all crushed to the lowest points. Crude oil which is the most fought over commodity globally killing millions of people today is less than $25 per barrel. What at all that is permanent in this world? All the most beautiful and luxurious cruiser ship, Diamond Princess has become a host of COVID-19 and infected more than 700 persons. London, Madrid, Paris, Dubai, Tehran, New York, with its Trump towers which are the favuorite tourists destinations have became lonely planets and lockdown. All is vanity without the global peace, security, stability and good health.
Interesting times ahead post COBID-19. I pray the world leaders rethink and be more human friendly with their policies and cooperation than working tirelessly to destroy our own lives and future. COVID-19 has demonstrated that, whether white or black, we are all vulnerable to death and share a common enemy called death. It was amazing to have seen Italians giving black Cuban doctors standing ovation upon arrival their airport to help them fight COVID-19. On a regular day, Italians would've despised Cubans because they are blacks and from a Socialist country. Chinese whom.are mostly atheists wouldn't have been respected on a normal day in Christian nation Italy but here we are today with China supporting them.with.medical teams and supplies. All souls belong to God and every man was created in the image of God, respect God's image.
It is humbling moment now all over the world. The outbreak of COVID-19 has exposed our vulnerability us humans and revealed to us our common enemy. The misconstrued and misplaced priority policies and projects can take a break post COVID-19 pandemic. More resources will be channeled to funding medical research, building laboratories, building hospitals, medical supplies, feeding the populace to strengthen their natural immunity, more collaboration in trade and commerce and less military cooperation, Racism will be reduced and those whom would love it aftermath of this virus must be ashamed of themselves. There would no be superpower tag to any country because as it stand now, we are given the same advice given to American citizens: wash your hands, cover your nose, stay at home, sneeze or cough into your elbow, avoid crowded places and so on...
The goal is to live healthy and better not to carry a tag that doesn't guarantee you any live. Whether black or white, Jew or Arab, Caucasian or Hispanic we are one people, our common enemy is death, our common created is God. We came into being naked and naked shall we return. What then is our competition? The 21st century is overrated. Stay safe! God deliver your people.
Emeritus Moses Ade-ena